duminică, septembrie 19

Scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs

Yesterday we had scrambled eggs for breakfast (my flatmate's are those with spices). I declare myself a huge fan of eggs prepared this way!

8 comentarii:

  1. Nici nu am cuvinte sa'ti spun cat de mult imi place blogul tau si cat ma inspira! Si eu sustin cu tarie ideea ca micul-dejun are o putere magica de a ne umple ziua de bucurie si nu'l ratez niciodata.
    Ca sa nu mai zic ca pozele tale sunt cel putin la fel de faine ca acelea ale lui Jennifer de pe simplybreakfast. Pozeaza in continuare, eu abia astept! :D

  2. @VertAnge: Multumesc! And don't forget: never skip breakfast!
    @lenebarbie: Ma bucur sa aud ca esti unul dintre oamenii care isi fac timp sa pregateasca micul dejun! Multumesc pentru cuvintele frumoase, the photos will improve, we can always do better!

  3. Pai asta e paparuta toata ziua. Bunica mea avea o tigaita speciala, pentru o singura persoana, din care ne servea direct paparuta.

  4. :)Nu stiam denumirea asta. But these are also scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs. :p

  5. oooh yum! i'm not so much of a "serious" breakfast girl, but this looks sooo good! i wrote "serious" because i usually eat sweets (read: homemade cake) + yogurt/milk in the morning :))

  6. Indeed, 'oooh yum'!! It looks so delicious and . . well, 'sunny' :):) And I love love the empty plate photo!


  7. @Daiane: oh, but homemade cake and yogurt sounds really good, I wish I had the time to bake more cakes!
    @Ioana: Thanks, Ioana, I like that photo too! :)
