duminică, ianuarie 22

Mission completed: simple breakfast and a lemon tree

Yes, my dears, I planted lemon seeds yesterday and rosemary! I don't care about the snow outside and as some of you may notice, there is barely any snow left. For those in Bucharest, I have a question: does anyone know where I could find some really great vintage furniture? I found some online stores, but with very big prices (it's understandable because most of the pieces were about 100 years old). I would like to find some sort of place with decent prices. I'd love to find some high chairs for my buffet, a living room small table and some interesting chairs for the living room as well. Thanks in advance.

7 comentarii:

  1. ooo, da, si mie mi-ar placea sa gasesc asa ceva. din pacate, la noi sunt niste hiper preturi. si sa-mi comand din SUA o noptiera vintage... cam dificil! mi-e ca ajunge in romania surcele!

  2. :))) ai dreptate! E un targ pe valea cascadelor unde e posibil sa aiba si mobila de dimensiuni mai mici, dar astept sa se mai indrepte vremea putin. :)

  3. offtopic: mama are acasa aceleasi servete albe cu linii rosii la capat :)

  4. simple breakfasts are so delicoius and so..me;)

  5. That looks so appetizing. Can I come for breakfast? I found you through my friend Yolanda and I am following you from Rome, Italy.

  6. @ Monisia: Me as well. I like usually just one sort of food, but well prepared. Soon I will start the serious cooking again. :)

    @ Francesca: Glad you like it! Well, since you're in Rome, how about you share with us some Italian breakfast ideas? :) What's your favourite?
