sâmbătă, februarie 26

Parlez-vous croissant?

Weekend is finally here! I've been dreaming about tomorrow morning since... Monday! And now I get to sleep until maybe 9 in the morning. I know it doesn't sound much but that for me is more than enough as I'm not a fan of spending too much time in bed in weekend mornings. After preparing breakfast (be sure it's gonna be pancakes again), I will go straight to...
the library and do some work for school. What you see in these photos here are some delicious croissants with peanut butter inside (I used to like peanut butter a lot but this one was from Felix and it's probably the least best on the market so I don't recommend it). And next to the lovely ladies rests the elder tea. Wish you all a beautiful morning!

4 comentarii:

  1. Yummy! De unde ai cumparat croissantele?

  2. recommend me a place in Bucharest where I can eat the best breakfast ever!

  3. @VertAnge: din Angst, dar cele din Mega Image sunt la fel de bune. Also, try those from Boutique du Pain. Delicious!
    @Gabriela Ciobanu: Nu zic din nou Boutique du Pain, dar e un loc plăcut pentru micul dejun. Ar mai fi restaurantul Chocolat, good food, doar că atmosfera acolo nu mi s-a părut niciodată prea friendly. Pentru că tot vine primăvara în curând, recomand Grădina Verona pe toată perioada cât va fi deschisă, atât pentru micul dejun, cât şi pentru prânz sau cină. Depinde mult de felul în care vrei să te simţi atunci când mergi să iei micul dejun: dacă vrei linişte, dacă vrei să serveşti ceva anume, dacă vrei ceva mai stilat (recomand Van Gogh) etc. Hope these were useful, but I suppose you knew them already.

  4. Check this out: http://ingridslifeandluxury.blogspot.com/2011/03/stylish-blogger-award.html
    you just got an award!
